

McPherson College

G-SO 101 Introduction to Sociology

SO 235 Sociology of Culture

G-SO 246 Marriage and Family

PY 254 Parent-Child Relations

SO 365 Social Work in American Society

PY/SO 375 Junior Seminar

SO 401 Sociological Theory

SO 435 Gender and Society

SO 450 Sociology Proseminar

SO 455 Police and Law Enforcement

PY/SO 474 Scientific Writing for the Behavioral Sciences

Northwestern University

SOC 101: First Year Seminar: Sociology of Popular Culture (Spring 2019)

SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology (Summer 2022)

SOC 232: Sexuality and Society (Summer 2020; Summer 2021)

SOC 392: Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture (Winter 2022)

SOC 480: Introduction to the Discipline (Fall 2020; Winter 2021)